A Reference to Capitalism
Recently, I was thinking about all the different themes, references, and general interesting facts about Sorry to Bother You . But one of the things I was thinking about throughout the entire film were references to the title. The first time we encounter the phrase “sorry to bother you” is when Cassius calls his first client at Regal View. The last time is when Cassius is an Equisapien and bursts into Steve Lift’s house (his last customer). When he says it the first time, he is very timid and shy. He is genuinely sorry that he is bothering them and has to continue with his message. The second time, he says it sarcastically and mockingly. How Cassius says this phrase shows his progression as a character throughout the movie. He goes from just trying to get through life one day at a time to having opinions on issues and wanting to make an impact. I also did a little research on why Boots Riley chose this title. According to Riley, it has a double meaning. The first is referencing h...